How-to Guides

Generating money online will require knowledge of processes to help simplify and ultimately help in scaling your business. Learn what I’ve been doing on my journey.

  • How To Improve Human Capital And Accelerate Financial Freedom

    How To Improve Human Capital And Accelerate Financial Freedom

    Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving economic landscape, the concept of human capital has emerged as a cornerstone for personal and professional development. At its core, human capital encompasses the accumulation of skills, knowledge, and experiences possessed by an individual, contributing … Read more

  • Financial Freedom for Different Income Levels

    Financial Freedom for Different Income Levels

    Imagine a life where you’re not constantly worrying about your next bill, a future where financial constraints don’t dictate your choices. This is the essence of financial freedom – a state where your finances support your lifestyle, dreams, and goals, … Read more

  • Credit Scores

    Credit Scores

    In today’s world, your credit score is more than just a number—it reflects your financial identity. This crucial metric plays a pivotal role in determining your access to loans and credit cards and even impacts non-lending decisions like renting an … Read more

  • Financial Planning for Major Life Events

    Financial Planning for Major Life Events

    Financial Planning for Buying a House Purchasing a house is a significant milestone and is a perfect one to kick off financial planning for major life events. A house comes with various financial implications. Understanding and preparing for these financial … Read more

  • Financial Education for Kids

    Financial Education for Kids

    Age-Appropriate Financial Concepts Young Children (Ages 5-8) Basic Money Identification and Value Introducing financial education for kids sets a foundation for future financial competence. Begin by teaching them to identify different coins and notes, understanding their values. This can be … Read more

  • How Much Money Do I Need to Achieve Financial Freedom?

    How Much Money Do I Need to Achieve Financial Freedom?

    Defining Financial Freedom: A Personal Journey with Universal Goals Introduction to Financial Freedom Financial freedom is a term that resonates with a wide range of aspirations, yet its definition is deeply personal. It symbolizes a state where one’s finances no … Read more

Neil Ouellette

My how-to-guides are based on my personal journey to create a successful blog that generates life changing money.

My Story